From Hobby Blog to Booming Business with Morgan Bullard
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From Hobby Blog to Booming Business with Morgan Bullard

The Influencer Behind the Scenes

With so many different business models out there. How can you even decide which one is for you during this business series I hope to inspire you with some action steps interviews and behind the scenes from incredible women just like you. This week we are going to be digging in It's going to be a little bit longer than our normal episode but 100% worth it. So stick around as we jump in behind the scenes with Instagram influencer Morgan Bullard let's jump in. Let's. See just what it takes to take your blog into an Instagram influencer account and what a difference it makes when you put your passion and faith first in business.

Where can you find Morgan Bullard - @morgbullard on Instagram and her blog

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Hey, everybody we are back again and I don't know what week this is anymore. But I am so excited to have a guest here with me today I have Morgan on and I am so stoked to share her story with you and the amazing things that she has accomplished with her in her adorable. Family so I can't wait to jump right in? Um, I'm just gonna let her introduce herself because y'all don't want to hear from me anymore we are bringing Morgan on for the scoop. So Morgan. Why don't you just introduce yourself and really tell us. Um, why you started your blog originally and then I will jump into what it is now.



Of course. So thank you Krishna hey y'all my name is Morgan like she mentioned um I am from just south of Atlanta like Krishna. We actually went to high school together which is crazy such a small world. I have 2 sweet little daughters. Ah Rosie she's 2 and Olivia she is almost four I've been married to my husband now for gosh this is year seven we'll be seven this summer for us which is crazy. And we've been together for a little over 14 years now. So we dated in high school went to college together got married literally two weeks after we graduated both started working our corporate jobs and that's kind of how I started with what I'm doing right now. Um. I was in outside sales rep I traveled a lot. Um I'd always been really into hair and makeup and beauty I was that friend in high school and in college that my friends would always come over to my house or my apartment and borrow my clothes or like help me pick them out outfits or get them ready do their hair and makeup and had always been. Something that was just really fun for me and so January of 2016 I kind of started like as my new year's resolution I was like I'm going to take something that's been my hobby and in my free time when I'm traveling with my sales job I'm going to just do this on the side do this in my hotel room when I get back at the end of the day. Instead of just like watching Tv or being on my phone mindlessly. Um and just kind of see what it turns into and it was so much fun in the beginning. It still is now um but it was definitely just a hobby I had no idea that it could turn into a career for me. It's now a career for my husband too. My mom I employ 1 or 2 other people. So. It's so cool how this. Um, something that was just like a fun little thing that I you know wanted to do turned into this. Um I'll say career for myself that technically didn't even really exist when I was in college ten years ago I mean. Maybe there were a couple bloggers here and there but like what it's transformed into today. It's pretty crazy and very very cool. So that's kind of in a nutshell who I am kind of my background and all of that. Um, and yeah.



That is amazing and you are so right when I think of like I I don't know influencer really like you're the first one that I ever thought like oh my gosh like I know one of the first influencers. So it is really an honor just to share your story and I'm so excited. Um, so let's see tell us today what it has become a business in.



Um, well thank you.






It is amazing that you're able to you know, bring in your family and also some ah employees in there as well. So tell us what is different now from the Hobby part of the block.



Yeah, yeah, so everything and nothing. Um, so basically I'm still sharing things that I love things that I find interesting and I've basically just kind of found a way to monetize it over time. Um, as I've grown my following mainly on Instagram getting brands to pay for me to share things that I would already be talking about sharing using in my everyday life anyways, so that's a really big part of my business and then another big part of my business is like commission. So when people ah swipe up. So you call it tap now on Instagram on my stories or whatever you have it if they make a purchase I earn a small commission. So as my followers have grown over time in turn my commissions have obviously increased and that's become a very. Important part of my business as well. That really didn't exist in the beginning and I've kind of been able to grow all aspects of it over the last gosh six years now I guess which is crazy.



Yeah, that is it is really crazy and to see the transformation too because it's more um, like Instagram now than it is really the blog part but it's still all intertwined and important.



Yes, no, it definitely is and now it's ah evolving even more like into videos and reels like kind of like based off of like Tiktok and so really, um, where I started versus where I am now it's. Like everything else. It's you just kind of have to keep up with the times and roll with the changes and figure out. Okay, how can I adapt and grow and like fit my my brand and my business staying true to who I am but also like staying with the times too and staying relevant.



Yeah, definitely I love that so when do you think was the first like turning point when you really saw your blog as a hobby turning into more than that turning into the business.



Yeah I remember getting my first like paid partnership like with a brand like I remember I think it was like a boutique and it's one that I've worked with or I have worked with for a really long time and they track your sales like with your code and all that and she's like you know your. Really valuable partner to me like I really want to start like paying you to share this and I was like oh my gosh because before I was just getting sent free clothes and I was like oh my gosh like I love shopping like I love clothes like how cool is this like I just get to come on and wear it and talk about it and like they'll send it to me for free like that kind of seems like a no-brainer. So taking it from that and to being like hey we're gonna pay you to share this that was just kind of like the aha moment like wow like this this could be something you know, especially since I didn't start off trying to for it to be a business. You know what? I mean so I've never like pushed things I've never It's never felt forced. It's always just.






Always want even the paid partnerships to seem like very organic and natural. Um, because that's how you build trust with your people and that trust that I've built with my people over the last six years is invaluable to me and something that's off brand for me. Um, is never worth it because once you lose someone's trust you can't build that back and so I've taken a long time to build that up and I really um, have been proud of myself I think for staying true to who I am leaving dollars on the table a lot just because I'm like you know what? at the end of the day like that's not worth it for me.



Oh yeah, I Totally agree and it is very much shown on all your platforms Equally how your brand is really you and you really don't sway from that at all and I think that is amazing because you can see so many other brands who definitely.



Thank you.



Sacrifice The personal branding and you don't So I Love love that personal branding is one of my favorite I Love seniors that way. So oh no, it's definitely not easy, but you have done an amazing job.



Yes, it's very important and it's a hard thing to to do you know? it's not easy to build a brand.



Thank you, Thank you so much.



Okay, so let's see what. Sorry whenever we pause it will just um I'll cut this part out. But if you ever mess up. You can just like pause for 3 seconds and we'll like I'll know to cut that part out. Okay, um, can you tell me what role.



There you get. Oh I get it.



Faith over fear really had in this journey for you.



Yeah, so I remember actually a really good friend of mine in the beginning when I was thinking about quitting my corporate job and taking this full time which was. Summer of 2018 so Olivia my first daughter had just been born and I was going back from maternity leave and I was like god I've worked so hard to build this up and now it's like I'm a mom and all moms know that that's a full time job once baby's here. It's like nothing else matters I mean. Lots does matter but in that moment it's like nothing else matters and so like something has to give and it's not going to be by my business. You know that I've taken all this time and heart and love and poured into it and I definitely wasn't going to sacrifice being the mom that I wanted to be and so had a really good friend of mine tell me she was like god loves a leap of faith. And I just really remember that stuck with me and I was like wow you know what? like you're right like god doesn't encourage us to do the easy thing to take the easy way and so I'm like I have this great comfortable job I have the same amount coming in my bank account every single month. But. And the grand scheme of things is this what I need to be doing and at the end of the day I prayed on it I you know talked to my husband drew about it and I was like you know what? I just really feel like I'm being pulled you know in this other way and obviously I'm not saying quit your job and start this like with no plan in place. Not at all. But I kind of had a goal where I told myself I was like okay so. If I can make what I'm making at my corporate job for at least six months then that's enough to prove to myself that like I can do this and like I can make it work and the first 2 or three months that I tried like I exceeded what I was making at my corporate job and so that in itself I was like okay this is like this is a no-brainer. Um, you know sometimes we make.






Decisions like that So much harder than they need to be but when you actually like step back and pray about it and think about it. You're like okay like God's literally putting this right in front of my face and I would be crazy to like not see it. You know.



Yeah, no I Totally agree and that's why we're here today. This podcast has been the same way. So I'm totally totally agree. It's all about the faith in the prayer and just knowing like what you're supposed to be doing in your strengths and where you go.



Yeah, and the fear part I think a lot of times. It's really hard and uncomfortable putting yourself out there like am I going to be judged am I gonna lose friends over this like all of the what Ifs that you kind of like psych yourself out for but the thing is that I told myself I basically took like a no options approach like. This is what I'm going to do if I fail at it I fail at it I had fun at the end of the day I'm doing something that I enjoy and so who's going to tell me that that's you know the wrong thing to be doing and so that's what I always encourage people because people will be like oh I want to do this but like I don't think I can or I'm scared or I'm like you know what? like. I would be more upset if I didn't and then I would always be wondering you know that what if in the back of my mind.



Oh for sure and really you started this for no money at all. This was a thing just for you. So I think that that's like even more of just your journey and your story which is so amazing. Um, so what? about.



And here at man.



No definitely.



Your skills can you tell us some of your probably strongest skills like that. You really think are maybe your spiritual spiritual gifts or just something that you are amazing at.



Oh my gosh. First of all I hate like true to my own horn. So this is so uncomfortable and so hard for me First of all, um, but I like to think that I'm a really good um Hustler like if I want to do something like if I so stick my mind to it like. I'm gonna get it done I'm gonna make it happen I'm a make it happen kind of girl I have been like my entire life I've always been very hardworking. Um and very just self- motivattivated so I would say that's probably 1 of my. Stronger qualities. It can also sometimes be ah my negative qualities if you ask my husband because I I like to like push and hustle and always do more and he's like all right sometimes you just need to slow down and so that's something that I've really been tried to focus on the last six months to a year is just being like okay like.






There's a time to hustle and there's also a time to rest and so trying to find that balance which I have not found it yet. So spoiler alert there is no secret. There is no secret sauce I know right? if there was I would definitely be sharing it? Um, but I think just that that hustle like.



I Mean who has let's be honest.



If you're a business owner which is what I consider myself. Um, no, one's going to show up besides you, you know you're you're the face nothing you know is going to happen if you're sick and you can't clock in and out like I do have working hours. But um, there is I think just a different kind of.



Um, um.



Hustle that comes with you know, owning your own business and everything being on you at the end of the day.



Yeah I agree and I probably feel the same way. Um, definitely as a business owner I think hustle and like that work ethic that you kind of have or almost some people would call it like workaholic and hustle like go together for me.



Then I mean.



In our family at least because we are both workaholics so that's kind of the hard one where we can't like stop each other. Um, but lately it has been hard like you're saying you know to pull away and like that strengthen you almost want to slow down sometimes but you also still want to get the job done.



Um, her yes.



Yes, it is. It's hard to because I don't know about you but I know for me like when I'm in the groove and like I'm going and I'm working I'm just like all right? Let's just do more. Let's just keep going like when I'm in the groove like there's nothing that can get me out and.



So there's like that fine line.



So I really have to make an effort like you know 5 or six o'clock I cut it off like that's family time with my girls like I don't want them to be like hey mommy has to work because I do have so much flexibility I set my own schedule my own hours I can work obviously in my bedroom my kitchen wherever I want to? um. And I don't want to like ever take that for granted, you know what? I mean.



Yeah I love that that's amazing and it's important to know that you know bloggers and Instagram fault like influencers all the things like they have to have a life too like it can't just be all you know, social media and then not you know building the relationships that really matter.



Yes, and I think that's what people forget a lot too is that they either think that my a my life is perfect because that's you know what? they're looking at on my stories and on my feet and that's not the case at all I'm like it's easy I'm not saying that I fake it ever because I definitely don't come on and ever.



So I love the use of that.



You know act like I'm in a great mood if I'm having a sour day then I just won't be as present. You know on stories if that's the case. Um, but you have to think like Instagram stories are a 15 or a thirty second even a minute clip out of your entire day and so I'm like yeah like that was a great moment but I also had some.






Pure chaotic and bad moments today you know that I'm not proud of and so you kind of have to be careful of that too because it's definitely not all rainbows and butterflies in sunshine and it is really easy to never turn it off because I am sharing my life and so your life until you're dead and it's very morbid is not over and so it's.



Um, yeah.



Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.



Always going and there's always something to share and always cute moments with the girls and so in that family time I'm just like any other regular mom like I'll take pictures of them and videos. But I'm not like posting and sharing and editing and doing all that kind of stuff. Um, you know while I'm with them.



Yeah I love that So where do you um, find the balance in everything from working because obviously you're working at home and home businesses are extremely hard then your mom you're a wife so tell us about the balance part.



Yes, I feel like at any given moment I can't be the best everything I'm not gonna lie to you. It's like sometimes I'm a good employee other times I'm a good wife other times I'm a good mom and I try to balance being really good at them all the time I'm not perfect. Definitely by any means I have.






My faults. Um, you know in shortcomings just like everyone but I think setting those dedicated working hours. So for me like it's really like 10 to 4 10 to 5 if I'm lucky and really just like grinding it out then I get help with Rosie during the week my mom helps me with her. And then Olivia is at school three days a week and so I know kind of during those hours that's like hey mommy's working you kind of like they're kind of like you know doing their own thing I'm doing my thing and then coming together at the end of the day and not like letting all of the things that I need to do or like. Creative things because a lot of times like I'm constantly thinking of like creative videos to make or like outfits to put together or something like that and so just kind of like pushing that back and not thinking about that and being present and in the moment is it's so so important.



Oh yeah I love that and I love that you say you're always creating too because that's part of any business owner really like you have that mindset when you start going in then it's hard to get out of that. But it's it takes a lot of discipline.



Know it does and I'm always all over the place and I have a mombrane. So so bad which I'm sure you have your mombrane moments too. So if I think of something really cool or cute or great idea I'll just write it down like on a note on my phone real quick. So I don't forget it. And then later like the next day or whatever when I'm working I'll go back and reference it so that's kind of like my way of like not forgetting but also like not being like hey I have to go write this down somewhere you know.



Yes, that's awesome. So what do you think your favorite part of the business is.



Um, I'd say my favorite part is probably connecting with all the other women. It's so cool. How many different girls I've gotten close to influencers other influencers that I would have never met I'll call them my followers which is such a weird word but all of my people.






Um, I mean literally all of these people I would have never had the chance to communicate with a lot of my close followers have gotten to known Well I know very well I've had a closet sale where these people have like come into my home and shop my closet which is super cool and also like very trusting of me.



That is cool. Yes I might be painking.



Um, and I think just right right? No I had so Drew vetted them very well. Um, and everyone was oh my gosh seriously even sweeter in person than online which was wonderful. Um, but yeah I think that um I'm sorry Krishna I forgot the question gonna have to cut this part out.



No, that's okay, all right pause for 3 seconds okay Okay, um it was your favorite part of the business.



I Like that off ontainment.



Okay, I'm continuing on with my story. Yeah, just connecting with all of the women. Um so many people too I feel like have opened up to me I feel like a lot of times people feel like bloggers or influencers are almost like.






Therapist or like your girlfriend and so it's like I've had so many people like announce their pregnancies to me like after they've gone through like ivf or miscarriages and just so many beautiful and sad but just heartfelt stories that it's just like wow like. It's all about perspective. You know it's like you have a bad day and then you read someone else's story or like they message you about something that's going on in their life and it really just like kind of makes you take a breath and be like wow like um, a moment just to have gratitude um, and just to be thankful because I'm like okay there. First of all trusting me enough to share this with me which is super cool and it's also so important for me to like not get so caught up in the everyday and be like okay this little problem that I think is a big deal really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things and so I think that's really important. So I think overall just the. Sense of community that I have with this that I wouldn't have ever had without it honestly.



Yeah, that's amazing and what do you think your biggest struggle is or dislike of just overall the business.



So I think my top qualities is also my biggest struggle just not turn. Not it ever turning off, you know, a lot of people say in typical 9 to 5 jobs. They go to their office. They do their job. They come home. Um, you clock in and you clock out and so there's no physical clocking in and clocking out for me and so that's kind of on me to be like self-check be like hey all right? It's not it's over and Drew will tell you like that's what I struggle with the most too and I'm trying to get better at that I also think no one's letting you know you're doing a good job. Unless people are you know messaging you saying you know, love this or key off it or whatever. Um, you know in a typical job. You have a review with your manager and when you're a business owner. Um, it's pretty much just like it's just you most of the time and so you're like well I hope I'm doing a good job like I hope this is sticking and I hope everyone's enjoying this and. And the back of my mind I know that they are because they wouldn't be there if they weren't but I think sometimes that is really hard to like not I guess getting recognized for all of the hard work. You do that? No one ever sees just like being a mom. You do all sorts of work that no one ever sees and you don't ever brag about it because why everyone everyone has to do it. Um, and it's the same thing you know.



Oh yeah, for sure and really, that's I mean when you're starting a business that's like probably a lot of people's worst struggle and why so many people fail and give up their business so early because they don't have that you know inner drive.



Um, over.



To kind of push themselves a little bit more. So can you tell us something that kind of inspired you to push past that and just keep going.



Yeah, So I think that's just innately who I am I grew up where my dad worked and my mom stayed home and I loved my childhood. Um, but I knew that I wanted to have the freedom just financially to be able to help support my family and I think in the back of my mind just knowing that and knowing that like I'm showing my girls how hard I work just like my mom showed me how hard she worked like around the house. Um. That's so important to me and that's always kind of you know my why or driving me, you know, especially on the hard days.



Yeah, and that's amazing I love that too. So um, you're very consistent on your um Instagram on your account and with your brand. So how do you think that consistency plays in ah all of this business but also specifically in the beginning like what was the consistency part.



Yeah I think anything you're starting for the first time consistency is literally everything no matter if it's your business social media which that is my business eating healthy working out all of those types of things like once you get into a routine and a groove. Um, I think that is like the biggest thing and I think a lot of people sometimes will dive into Instagram or blogging or whatever like one hundred miles an hour and then not really see the results that they're wanting and then they give up but really, it's a slow drip over time. There's gonna be really good times and there's gonna be just like yeah. Not so awesome times. Thankfully, those are far and few in between you know for me now. But as I was starting off. It was definitely hard like I was like all right like ah do I keep going like you know what do I keep doing but I think just pushing through and knowing that um. You know you're doing it for a reason and you're enjoying it and at the end of the day. Really what more can you ask for.



Yeah, and I think it's that why too that really pushes you because if you don't have a reason why like there's really no reason in your head to keep going. So.



Um, know it is excuse me. It definitely is and um, it's been so fun too. I think there are times in every job. Where it's like I like I'm kind of getting a little bit burnout like this isn't fun anymore and I think it's really important when you're going through those I guess seasons I'll call them to take a break. You know what? I mean sometimes you need to break I was kind of feeling that way in November December those are like my busiest months of the year because i'm. Ah, sharing black Friday cyber Monday holiday content christmas gift ideas all of that good stuff and um, it's just a lot it's a lot of creating it's a lot of being on. It's a lot of being consistent and posting. You know all the time. Um, and I was just really feeling like creatively burnt out and so I didn't. Officially like log off of Instagram or anything like that over the holidays. But I really really just slowed it down and was just really only sharing a couple things here and there just family stuff and just really being present with my kids and then having that mindset where. I'm gonna start back after the new year like full throttle. You know that Monday last Monday was like 1 of the most productive Mondays that I've had in a long time and I think when you have those kinds of days after taking a little bit of time off to breathe. It's so rewarding and just makes you feel so good and you're like okay this is what I needed this is the fresh breath of air like. Let's kick some butt. Let's get some things done. Um, and I think it's it's so so helpful.



Yeah, and let's be honest, like everyone has to be either going through or already went through this season of depression and Burnout and craziness with you know our society changing and everything being overwhelming like moms and everything. So.



In yes.



Is there any advice that you could give on and just kind of that season like how do you feel in that season and then how do you get out of that season.



Yes, it's very hard I'll say I'll say that I'm getting out of it right now last year was probably 1 of the hardest years of my life. It was the best year for my business. Ah, really great year and a lot of for a lot of different reasons watching my girls grow but for me personally speaking mentally. Emotionally it was a very very very hard exhausting taxing year that I was not sad to leave once we rang in the new year this year um I think praying through it. Um I think seeking counsel whether that's going to therapy or talking to someone who's older and wiser and more seasoned than you are to get a outsider's perspective or um or just sometimes to have a voice of reason or just sometimes to word vomit.



I guess.



Sometimes we just ask women. We just need to talk. We just need to get out there. We just need to say everything and sometimes that's not always what we need to be saying so either finding the right person to say that to usually not your husband, especially if it's about your husband. Um and just. Praying through it honestly and I know that sounds so cliche. But I think last year really taught me the importance of prayer. Um I had always prayed before last year but it's not that I didn't really know why but it was kind of just like a thing that I did out of like habit and obligation and so I think really just reevaluating. Um. That part of my life was very very important. There were a lot of hard days last year and I think just pushing through them and at the end of the day not letting your pride get in the way of your life. Um, the way that you you know, talk to your kids. Maybe you get easily frustrated with them like sometimes I do especially you know after a long day and then it's like dang like I shouldn't have said that or you snapped at your husband or whatever it is um and I think just at at the end of every day reflecting on you know things that you could have done better and praying about that and you know letting it.



And if it please.



All come out and you know asking for forgiveness and moving on and starting fresh over the next day it's never too late to start over and to ask for forgiveness and to move on and I think that's something that's really important is you're never too far gone and there's never a problem too big that you can't talk to god about honestly.



Gosh yes, all of those things. yes yes I mean I'll be honest, everyone on this podcast knows I am definitely going through that season 2 and probably November December was my hardest too and I think I would agree like ah.






And paint.



Maybe Postpartum could come close to it but I almost feel like this was harder to get out of because I have that same push Moon Mentality I have that same work ethic mindset and I know I'm a business owner like I have to get up and do it like it's me. It's only me, no one's coming. It's just me.






Um, if I don't show up and it's just not going to happen.



Right? So yeah, it's definitely. It's been a hard year I think for everyone. Um, and definitely I think for men and women. So I think it's important for the wives and the women on here to just realize that we're all struggling but it's also harder for men to talk about that too.






oh yeah, oh yeah and that's that was something that was really I think game changing for us as a couple last year two 2 things starting to pray together which can feel super awkward and uncomfortable at first like if you've never done it. You're just like okay.



So it can be a lot.



It's like kind of praying in front of other people you're like do I have to say the perfect words like am I going to say ever write things but like that's not what it's about like it's literally you are talking to God just like you and I are sitting here talking right now and then I think when you dumb it down because it literally is just that and stop overcomplicating it then it doesn't get weird. So that's my first one.






Um, and praying for your spouse I think is super super important. Not hey please god let drew listen to me today. Not those types of prayers. Even though I do sometimes think that but you know praying for them praying for them to lead your family spiritually and to trust their judgment and their guiding and their decisions. Um, I'm fully trusting of Drew with his decisions for our family He's pretty much in charge of all the finances. Ah, he does all the back and for my business he invoices and does all that but also does all of our personal family finances too and I give him full I am fully trusting of him with that. But it always. It has not always been. That way. Um, that's definitely something that I have prayed about and have gotten a lot better about over the years because it's not easy.



Yeah, for sure and that praying wife like that changes everything. It's really like you're a praying heart that changes you as a wife and definitely if you're a husband and you and your marriage like in general if anything is struggling.



Ana and 1



Has to be your heart first. So I love that you said that because I definitely agree. There's been I mean we haven't been married um as long I guess well well, we've been married the same amount of time but still, it's um, you know you go through Ups and downs no matter what everyone outside of your marriage sees.









Her and.



Um, you know businesses and in in the marriage and with your kids like a lot of things change in marriage and a lot of things change in faith too as you continue to grow.



Oh yeah, oh yeah, especially after you have kids too because I don't know about y'all but like our marriage was completely different before we had kids versus after we had kids and not bad or good just different kids obviously. Obviously bring a lot of joy into your life but they also bring a lot of chaos and sometimes stress with a newborn and then it's like we were together for so long before we had kids that we were set in our ways of doing things and so then. Like not being all on about you anymore and it's about this like new baby. So I think that brings like a lot of struggle. My sister has ah I'll say a baby but he's not a baby anymore which is crazy. He's about to be a year old which is wild and. She's like oh my gosh like you know, saying all these I'm like well you literally sound like me when I was like it was like it's okay, like yall are learning and you're adjusting and you're growing and it's okay, like you're gonna you're gonna have struggles. There is no such thing like as a perfect marriage and I think the deeper that you get in your faith the more that you read in your bible. It's like. God knows that you're gonna have your struggles like I feel like until you have your struggles. You really don't I don't know your relationship at least mine has my relationship with god and my faith is so much stronger and so much better on this side I wish that it didn't take all of that to get to where I am sometimes um.



That here.



But in a way I am glad because I don't think that it would have you know, brought me to my knees. Um in a lot of ways if you know it would have been you know different.



Yeah, absolutely and I agree I don't think um I mean any marriage can look great and feel great until you have a real struggle that you have to give your all to and your dedication your commitment to keep going and.



Um, yes.



Have that faith too which I think is what brings a lot of people out of those struggles and stronger. So.



Oh yeah, and and I don't honestly I don't know about you but I don't know like how I could do it or how we can do it like without it like I truly don't.



Yeah I agree I agree I didn't always feel that way probably but when those struggle when those first couple struggles hit then you're like oh okay I'm a little humbled. Yeah I hear yeah I hear you.



I Know you're like okay God I'm here now. Hello. It's so funny I Know what's funny because you know I used to always roll my eyes on my own. Yeah whatever Mom You don't know what you're talking about fuck. You don't you don't know word.



Um, oh for sure.



Different I'm different. You know, whatever and I'm like Tang mom mom was right.



Yeah, doesn't it like really stink when they're always right I'm like man that's awesome.



I know I know but she is she is so wise and I really do. She's someone that I talk to a lot probably too much about just everything that goes on in my life and she helps with my business too and so I can kind of vent like business frustrations to her too and she's always. Keeping me grounded but she's also honest I Think that's so important to have in someone that you're going to for advice is they're not always like on your side they try to see different sides and like okay, well like how are you being or like what are you doing and I'm like okay mom like dang all right? Ah yes, yes, which is.






Yeah, it's like that real counselor vibe.



Good. You know you don't want someone. It's just like a friendship. It's like you don't want someone that just like is always agreeing with you. Sometimes it is good for them to ask the hard questions because I feel like that's what helps you grow and realize like things in yourself that you didn't even realize that you needed to you know work on and pay attention to.



Oh yeah, yeah, that's for sure so I kind of skipped a few but we're kind of the mentor part. So I'm gonna ask you this question? do you did you find a mentor um during this journey or like a group to help you with the business.






And um, do you run your business alone which I don't think the answer we I think we already heard the same answer but just in case.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, so um, as far as mentors go um yes, and no so in the beginning I had a friend who was doing blogging and I would pick her brain a lot and she was so so kind her name was Taylor um. And Taylor Tanner if I'm sure she's probably not listening to this but shout out to Taylor Tanner um she helped me a lot and was is always very helpful with questions that I had like html coding because like I had to code my own website to how to like link stuff learning like to know it reward style all of that good stuff. She was. So so helpful. Um to me in that way and then so other than her really, it's kind of been a one woman show as far as that goes. Um I wish that I I would have had a mentor I think it would have made it a lot easier for me. But kind of like you referred to in the beginning. Not a lot of other people were doing it and so there really were not a ton of resources for me to reach out to that didn't cost a lot of people offer courses and all that kind of stuff now which really wasn't a thing when I started um but at the same time It's like.






That's expensive. You know, especially like if you're just wanting to do it as a hobby like it could get expensive really really fast. So I think it was just a lot of trial and error on my part and a lot of research I watched a lot of Youtube videos. Um, really I kind of felt alone I guess in that sense a lot.






Um, and as far as what my business is now I definitely do not feel alone because Drew my husband quit his corporate job almost exactly a year ago to come on full time with me which is super exciting. Um, and that was like a total god thing to something happened like the week before he turned in his like resignation letter and we are just like this is the craziest thing ever like it was if not that was not a sign from god himself then I don't know what is it was. It was a very very cool moment. Um, one that neither one of us will ever forget? Ah, and then I have my mom working for me too. My mom has been working for me for gosh almost two years now which is awesome. So she does a lot of the behind the scenes stuff too. So Drew does more of like. Finance sides like invoicing and he does all the negotiations on emails. He manages all of that kind of for me. Um, and then my mom does a lot of the backend stuff like linking helping me make collages. So if I share like cute outfits and that. I'll send her things and she'll kind of put them together and we kind of work together on that and she does a lot of other just behind the scenes kind of stuff for me too and then I recently hired someone else. 1 of my best friends Holly she's helping me with my closet sales now. So I have her. Working here part time down in the basement. She's kind of helping me do like assistant things too which is really cool so there are I guess officially 4 employees now here which is super cool.



Yeah, that's so crazy to see your journey like talking about it. It gives me chills because it's a huge deal. It's like amazing.



No, it is because I think to turn something into something for yourself. But then to start like doing something for others. It's like it's so Fulfilling. You know it really is and I think that's also something that I've really come to love I Think from this too is just. Giving whatever I have giving to others whether it's you know, giving them a job or giving them like extra things that I have because I have a lot of stuff that sent to me all the time and so that's something that really does bring me joy is being able to share like all of the things that I have been given with others. Um, honestly, it's much more satisfying than. Ah, you know keeping it for myself.



Oh my gosh. Yeah and biblically that's what we're supposed to do right? like we were blessed in this situation and we're humble about it and giving like what better gift could you even give yourself.



Yes, yes, no, it is. It's been so rewarding and I think a lot of times like before we can all be so selfish at times you know and so I think that's something that's been really eye-opening to me is like. Realizing how important that is and how much joy it brings you because I'm like okay this could sit in my closet and literally rot or I could give it to someone who actually needs it or who can't afford it or would never take the time or money to buy it for themselves I mean I have given things like I have the sweetest lady that comes and she helps. Clean our house because obviously I can't do it all and I've given her so many things to like help her clean and all that and she is so gracious I give to my mom and my sister so much to the point where they're like all right? We're good on Abc To Efg like please know more of this because like we have an exus I'm like yeah welcome to my life.






That is so funny. That's great.



Yeah, though it is it's it's total first world problems but it's It's so fun to spread the joy you know.



Oh yeah, so what are some key um things in the business that you wish you would have started earlier that you know now.



I think hustling even I hustled hard at the beginning. But I think even grinding it out a little bit more um to grow on Instagram because I have a really good loyal strong following but over the last year I have hardly grown at all. Um, and I feel like. Instagram is at this really weird time where like older people like me really aren't growing and it's like other types of new accounts are growing like different types of accounts. So I wish that I would have like hustled even harder to grow faster in the beginning since I'm not really growing that much now. But. I'm very happy with where I am honestly like I don't know if I was you know, even double the size that I am now like would I still be enjoying it would I feel as connected to my people like as I am now I don't really know because I can't say but I think that's.



Um, yeah, so what do you? We talk a lot about relationships on this podcast. We've already done a little but tell me, um, how do you think? Um, sorry.



1 of the things if not the only things that I would do differently.






Do you feel like relationship building was a big part of your success in your business.



I definitely do especially on the brand side actually on both sides I will say because I know earlier on you asked me and I didn't really answer this part as far as like getting involved with like other girls or groups. Um, so there's a it's like reward style. It's like a blogger group for like other influencers and girls and they go on and they post on there. Um, and so if you have a question and you don't know the answer and it's like you're not going to post it. It's kind of like a behind the scenes page. So like you're a photographer and so kind of like you'd be asking like more like. Technical questions and so that's kind of like what we ask on there like what we would charge. Um that sort of thing so building relationships with other girls um getting to know them. They'll they'll help you. You help them kind of thing. Um, that's super important also in the beginning connecting with other influencers like do giveaways to grow. That's how I grew a lot in the first couple years was like partnering with other girls that were my size and like a similar niche and audience that was super important and just building those genuine friendships. Um, I also get invited to conferences once or twice a year attending those and really getting to meet like the people that I talked to online like my friends other influencers is is awesome. Um, because then once you have that like personal connection to it's like. If 1 of my friends posts something that's that's cute then I share it on my stories and then that drives my followers to their page and so it's kind of just like a mutual friendship at that point. So that's super important and then on the brand side for relationships. Um I feel like working with people relationships are everything um. So. There's been some companies that I've loved working with there have been some companies that I never want to work with again. But I will say with the companies that I love working with I have great relationships with them where I work with them on and on and on again like they send me like. Cards and flowers and my birthday like they've sent me stuff like when my daughters were born like they just remember you know certain things and I think just having that personal connection and relationship with them is really cool like if they change companies and they go work for another brand. They'll reach out to me like at their new place which is cool that like they remember me so I think. Always doing a good job with my work I always try to get things done on time or early and it's really important for me to impress the brands make them happy overliver and then that makes their job easier because that's really what it's all about at the end of the day and that builds that's start of building a really good relationship and so.



A lot of the brands that I work with I have that and I've been working with them ongoing for 2 3 4 five plus years now which is really cool.



Yeah,, that's amazing and what about your relationships in your house tell us how obviously if you guys work together that can be a lot Sometimes it takes a power couple to work together in a business I know that for sure so tell us about um, just kind of. Relationship with you and your husband and how you prioritize that and then how you do it with your group with your girls.



Yeah, so Drew and i's relationship. It has always been so easy I'll say we definitely have our moments wearably bicker and we fight and we disagree just like everyone does. But I feel like all in all like we love spending time together and I feel like we're on the same page about so many different things he gets my business. He understands it. He's always been my biggest fan and supporter even when I only had 500 followers. He was out taking my pictures and just always encouraging me. And so he's always been that person for me which has been so important because I feel like if your spouse isn't that for you and you're really on your own doing it then it's just even harder. So I'm so thankful that he's always been that person for me. Um, as far as working together. Sometimes there is a little bit of a power struggle I will say I'm not gonna lie just because it's like at the end of the day I am the one that started this but he is the head of the household and so I feel like trying to. Balance that and figure that out is very very difficult at times we've gotten better about that I'm also very strong willed Drew is also very strong willed. So sometimes when we both have opinions very strong that creates a little bit of problems. Um, but we always work through them and it's. I always call it like our working hat and like our wife and husband hat. So I'm like right? Our working hats are on right now. Like even though I'm mad at you or you're mad at me like we gotta push through and we got to get this stuff but but we always talk it through I'm like all right like if the kids are with us or whatever. Okay, like when we go to bed we're gonna talk about it tonight and we're not gonna go to bed.



Um, yeah, um.






Mad or angry. You know we're both going to apologize for you know, whatever wrongs we did that day and you know grow and get better from it and have a fresh start the next day so I think that's the hardest thing is like if you go to bed upset. And then you just start the next day and you're just like it's like this giant rain cloud over your head and nothing is productive and nothing gets done and that's not a good way to go about it. So I think going into that mindset whereas like you can't go to bed without being good and like forgiving one another I think that's super important and we're really good about about forgiving each other and that's something that we try to really. Um, show our girls as you know we're goingnna mess up and even when I do things that I don't mean to or whatever in front of my girls I'm like you know what? I'm sorry girls like I messed up like that was my bad like do you forgive me and my sweet little lady I forgive you mommy I love you hugs me and she's like let's good play. You know they're so so.



Ah, home I said.



We and just so like so forgiving children are seriously so pure and innocent in my relationship with my girls I Love my girls I feel like I was made to be a girl mom if I if God would have given me boys I guess I would have figured it out but I feel like I thrive being a girl mom I Absolutely love it I Love playing dress up I Love paying.






Playing dolls with them. Um, and they love being a part of my work like they'll come in with me when I'm getting ready in the morning like do makeup with me and they'll take my phone and pretend to take like pictures in the mirror and Olivia will walk around the house and like this is my baby doll and this is my chair and this is my playroom just kind of like I do it's it's.






Actually really keep funny I'm like okay I actually do look ridiculous because that's what I look like and it's so silly, but but it's funny, but but it's so funny and and we have a lot of fun with them but like in a you know I we still discipline them and they have boundaries and all of that. But um.






But that's awful.



I Also like want them to be able to come to me and talk to me about anything. So I think trying to just um, just have that communication with them and I think feelings are such a big thing now I don't remember I mean I'm sure my mom was an awesome mom and I never felt like my feelings were invalidated but you know making sure that. She always knows she's allowed to feel a certain way like you know she'll say Mom me I'm just I'm sad that makes me sad I'm like oh you can feel sad but like it is what it is girl like that like you can't have 3 suckers before dinner because you know because your teeth are going to grow out of your head and you're not going to be hungry for your food.



Um, right? um.



That's awesome. All right? So Let's um, get you giving some advice to your followers and your listeners any girls that are excited about starting a blog or maybe are struggling with a blog. Right now that just hasn't taken off to where they want to be and and kind of just give your best advice.



Um, I think you need to sit down and ask yourself why? Why am I doing this is it because I want to make money is it because I enjoy this.? Do you even know why. People don't even know why like they just started something I don't I don't know why you would start something and not enjoy it. But so I know people have I've heard stories about it before um so figure out your why are you on track with your why have you deviated from that. Um, and I think at what point.



Um, yeah.



Will you call it Quits. So is it costing you money time away from your family or is it something that you can maintain as a hobby and be okay if it doesn't take off into something that grows as a business cause for me. Um. If. It didn't grow into this I think I would still be doing it I probably wouldn't be doing it full time or as much but I would still be doing something like this and I know of other people too who just enjoy creating content like they just spend a little bit of time doing it. Um, they enjoy it. They're not making money with it and I think that's awesome I think especially like as moms. Um, we can lose ourselves a lot. Especially if you you know aren't in the working environment anymore your stay-at-home Mom. Sometimes it's really easy to forget like who you are just get kind of like wrapped up in Mommy Mode. So I think sometimes having an outlet or a hobby is so so important. Um, So there's nothing wrong with that like if it never turns into anything like massive then that's fine I Still I would never consider that a failing thing or a failure at all and if you are kind of in that like in my should I do this do I Want to do this I Just say go for it. Because you don't have anything to lose like unless it's costing you a ton of money or time which it shouldn't like it really didn't cost me anything use resources that you already have if you're wanting to do something similar to me use the clothes use the makeup use the whatever you already have don't go out and buy all this extra Stuff. You don't need that fancy camera all of that like.






Just start where you are and kind of see if you like it and then kind of go from there. It's no different than photography. It's like you don't need to go out and buy the $8000 camera when you don't even know if you want it yet. You know you're fine. You just get really good at Iphone photos and then if you're like hey yeah I really do like this then upgrade and upgrade and upgrade over time. Um. If that I know that's kind of an analogy that you can kind of relate to.



Yeah, for sure. That's the best advice I Love the why So I'm all about that all right? So the last one um, is there a bigger vision for you and your brand now. Is there gonna be some expanding or um, you know you've kind of. Reach that Peaks are you seeing out a little bit or are you just continuing to go up.



Yeah, yeah, no, That's a really good question. Um I Definitely have big goals for all of this.. It's definitely bigger than what it is now. Um, maybe it's starting my own clothing line my own shop. Whatever that may be something like that one day that's always something that's kind of been in the back of my mind. That's definitely a possibility maybe collaborating with a brand on a really big level to like release or launch a product that's something that's kind of like on my like Dream list. Um. Like I would love to have like a line like in a really big retail store I think that would be super cool and super awesome. Um, and then another thing that I've thought about is offering like my social media kind of like knowledge and expertise and services. But then again I'm like am I an expert enough to like teach someone about that I don't know it's something that I get asked about a lot and people are really interested and intrigued in. So if I ever do have I guess slow growth which I have not experienced yet as far as like being busy on the behind the scenes side. Um.






And I definitely will but me I feel like I'm kind of like maxed out like right now unless I like hired which I could continue to hire more people that would be wonderful I would love to employ more people. But for me I'm pretty much spread thin right now and don't want to take on any more personally than what I have I want to start delegating more I need to get.






I Need to get better at that I've gotten better at that and I need to continue to get better at that. It is.



Yes, that's a that's a power struggle for sure that is I mean this sounds just like you I could totally see your clothes out there. So I mean if that's something that you know the Lord Wills then it hopefully will happen.



I know I know but I'm gonna keep doing this until until it's um, you know, not gonna be a thing anymore which I don't think it's going anywhere I Honestly I think that this is like the new way of like marketing just with the relatability factor. It's like I'm just.



Um, yeah.



Ah, normal everyday almost 30 year old mom just sharing my life. You know.



Yeah, that's awesome. Okay Mauren so tell us where can we find you if the listeners want to head over to your Instagram or your website where do you want to send them.



Yeah, so my Instagram is where I'm at the most it's @morgbullard M O R G B U L L A R D and then my blog is I don't really post on there too too much but that's how you can like shop my Instagram get on my links everything. That's always updated on my blog. Um, but then Instagram is where I am most present.



Okay, awesome. Well Morgan thanks so much for sharing everything and I think this can be a game changer for um, some of our bloggers out there and some of the girls that are just starting. So thank you for sharing your story and being here today.



I Hope So thank you for having me I hope this was helpful for all of y'all listening and I appreciate y'all taking the time.



Of course. Okay guys we will see you next week

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